
HCEA's success in international business advertising has enabled our customers to enter new countries, start new businesses and expand their existing line of products and services to grow their company. The key to a successful advertising campaign is reaching the right people. This can only be done by understanding who needs or wants what you have, and then presenting it in a way that proves your company should be the one to provide it to them.

Much of this has to do with the perceived need or want of a service or product. At HCEA we are equipped to survey the market place and develop a realistic plan that we will implement to move our customer's brand forward into the "in demand", "must have" business realm.

HCEA implements the correct strategy for each market

A case in point: As markets such as China, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, India, and Eastern Europe continue to grow and claim a larger portion of the world economy, it is critical to realize that the way products are viewed, discovered, experienced and ultimately purchased by your audience in other places may be considerably different from what you are used to.

Furthermore, some countries' governments approach outlets such as the internet with more control and restriction than you have experienced in the past, usually in an effort to develop and grow their own domestic markets by keeping more of their citizen's money circulating within their own borders.

This means that your marketing, advertising, and branding will need to be adapted to suit the the buyer's style where they live, and get your product into the outlets that are readily available and commonly used in their location.

To illustrate: Putting your product on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter is great in Europe and North America where millions will see and experience it, but it guarantees that the Chinese on-line buying audience of 460 million people (2011 est.) will never see it because they cannot access any of those sites due to access restrictions. Instead, the buying public frequently utilize similar domestic options such as Youku, Kaixin, and Weibo which are wildly popular in China, though virtually unknown elsewhere because their use requires understanding of both the local language and culture, things that only come from having people you can turn to who grew up, work, and live there.

Reaching these types of new and important audiences requires adaptability and thorough understanding of how the individual market model works.

Thankfully, HCEA has years of experience meeting the needs of companies serving international markets and has developed numerous partnerships to draw experience from to help you enter new markets and make sure you reach your audience and goals.

Whether you earn your living serving the needs of your own country via importing goods and services to your home location or you have customers all over the globe, effective advertising is a crucial element to growing and ensuring a secure future for your business.

The greatest products and services in the world can fail without the right message, with this in mind it is critical to find the right media to present your product to the public in a way that is true to the spirit of your company, all while keeping in mind the way the modern world works, thinks, interacts, and buys.

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  • Advertising
  • Media Buy
  • Social Media
  • Public Relations
  • Events
  • Reputation Management
  • Multimedia Campaigns Including:
  • Online, Interactive, Mobile, Print, Email, Underground